Home > Basic Time Information > Calendar > Calendars > Calendars in Test

Calendars in Test


Conversion functions for these calendars are implemented to confirm some technical issues, and are not officially supported. Converted results are not necessarily correct. These functions may be changes or removed without any notice.

Temporal Range

Thai Buddhist Calendar

From: 1 มกราคม 0544 (B.C. 0001-01-03 in Julian Calendar / JD = 1721425.5)

To: 31 ธันวาคม 10542 (A.D. 9999-12-31 in Gregorian Calendar / JD = 5373483.5)

Hijiri Calendar (Islamic Calendar)

From: 01/محرم/0001 (0622-07-15 in Julian Calendar / JD = 1948438.5)

To: 03/ربيع الثاني/9666 (A.D. 9999-12-31 in Gregorian Calendar / JD = 5373483.5)

Hebrew Calendar

From: שבת 07 טבת 5343 (A.D. 1583-01-01 in Gregorian Calendar / JD = 2299238.5)

To: יום ראשון 29 אלול 5999 (A.D. 2239-09-29 in Gregorian Calendar / JD = 2539108.5)


Conversion functions for these calendars are originated from derived classes of System.Globalization.Calendar in Microsoft .NET Fremework 2.0 (ThaiBuddhistCalendar, HijriCalendar and HebrewCalenda).


Only standard format is acceptable.
