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Julian / Gregorian Calendar


Julian / Gregorian Calendar is the most popular solar calendar used all over the world, and is a sub-standard temporal axis next to Julian Day in this web site. Although Julian Calendar is established in B.C. 46, date before the time is also calculated according to the calendar. At the beginning of Julian Calendar, logical date shown in this site are not necessarily equal to real date used at that time, because calendar system was often changed (e.g. number of days in a month). While feature date is calculated according to Gregorian Calendar. Date of calendar reform from Julian Calendar to Gregorian calendar is supported two cases in this site. One is October 15, 1582 (Italy) and the other is September 14, 1753 (UK).

Temporal Range

From: Julian Calendar B.C. 9999-01-01 (JD = -1930711.5)

To: Gregorian Calendar A.D. 9999-12-31 (JD = 5373483.5)


Dershowitz & Reingold 2007. Calendrical Calculations. Cambridge University Press.

暦計算研究会. (Research Group for Caendar Calculation) ed. 新こよみ便利帳 (New Calendar Handy Book). 恒星社厚生閣 (Kouseisha-Kouseikak Corp.).


Additional specifiers relating with century and years in B.C. can be used. Please refer to Format of Julian / Gegorian Calendar.
